Amy Grunbeck, Graduate Student
Tri-Insitutional Program in Chemical Biology
Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Rockefeller Research Building 510
Rockefeller University, Box 187
1230 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065
Telephone: 212-327-8284
Fax: 212-327-7904
Ph.D. in Chemical Biology, The
Rockefeller University, 2007 - present
B.S. in Chemistry, Dickinson College, 2007
I am interested in studying the structure and function of chemokine receptors. My project combines the use of unnatural amino acid mutagensis and nanoapolipoprotein bound bilayers (NABBs), two methods developed in the lab using rhodopsin. Currently I am working on optimizing these two methods for CCR5 so they can eventually be used for single molecule studies.
Received the American Institute of Chemists Outstanding Senior Award from Dickinson College
Graduated magnum cum laude from Dickinson College with Honors in Chemistry
Received full funding to pursue PhD degree with the Tri-Institional Program in Chemical Biology
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