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Manija Kazmi, Research Specialist & Laboratory Manager Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Rockefeller Research Building 510 The Rockefeller University, Box 187 Telephone: 212-327-8284 ![]() |
Research: My role in the lab is now primarily lab manager. I mainly assist other lab members with their ongoing projects. My most recent research has been to elucidate the function of pepducins, which are novel cell-penetrating peptides that act as inhibitors of signalling from receptors to G proteins. ^ |
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13). Su, C.Y., Luo, D.G., Terakita, A., Shichida, Y., Liao, H.W., Kazmi, M.A., Sakmar, T.P., & Yau, K.W. Parietal-eye phottransduction components and their potential evolutionary implications Science 311: 1617-21 (2006) PMID: 16543463 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
12). Lewis, J.W., Szundi, I., Kazmi, M.A., Sakmar, T.P., and Kliger, D.S. Time-resolved photointermediate changes in rhodopsin glutamic acid 181 mutants Biochemistry 43: 12614-21 (2004) PMID: 15449951 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
11). Yan, E. C., Ganim, Z., Kazmi, M. A., Chang, B. S. W., Sakmar, T. P. & Mathies, RA Resonance Raman Analysis of the Mechanism of Energy Storage and Chromophore Distortion in the Primary Visual Photoproduct Biochemistry 43:10867-10876 (2004) PMID: 15323547 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
10). Yan, E. C., Kazmi, M. A., Ganim, Z., Hou, J. M., Pan, D., Chang, B. S. W., Sakmar, T. P. & Mathies, R. A. Retinal Counterion Switch in the Photoactivation of the G Protein-Coupled Receptor Rhodopsin Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100:9262-9267 (2003) PMID: 12835420 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
9). Chang, B.S.W., Jonsson K., Kazmi, M.A., Donoghue, M.J., and Sakmar, T.P. Recreating a functional ancestral archosaur visual pigment Mol. Biol. Evol. 19: 1483-9 (2002) PMID: 12200476 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
8). Yan, E. C., Kazmi, M.A., De S., Chang, B. S. W., Seibert, C. Marin E. P., Mathies, R.A., and Sakmar, T.P. Function of extracellular loop 2 in rhodopsin: glutamic acid 181 modulates stability and absorption wavelength of metarhodopsin II Biochemistry 19:3620-7 (2002) PMID: 11888278 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
7). Chang, B.S.W., Manija A. Kazmi and Thomas P. Sakmar. Synthetic gene technology: Applications to ancestral gene reconstruction and structure-function studies of receptors Methods in Enzymology 343: 274-94 (2002) PMID: 11665573 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
6). Kazmi, M.A., L.A. Snyder, A.M. Cypess, S.G. Graber, T.P. Sakmar. Selective reconstitution of human D4 dopamine receptor variants with Gi alpha subtypes Biochemistry 39:3734-44 (2000) PMID: 10736173 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
5). Ostrer, H., R.K. Pullarkat, and M.A. Kazmi. Glycosylation and palmitoylation are not required for the formation of the X-linked cone opsin visual pigments Mol. Vis. 10;4:28 (1998) PMID: 9852167 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
4). Ostrer, H., and M.A. Kazmi. Mutation of a conserved proline disrupts the retinal-binding pocket of the X-linked cone opsins Mol. Vis. 29; 3:16 (1997) PMID: 9479007 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
3). Kazmi, M.A., T.P. Sakmar, and H. Ostrer. Mutation of a conserved cysteine in the X-linked cone opsins causes color vision deficiencies by disrupting protein folding and stability Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 38:1074-81 (1997) PMID: 9152227 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
2). Kazmi, M. A., Dubin, R. A., Oddoux, C., and Ostrer, H. High-level expression of visual pigments in transfected cells Biotechniques 21:304-311 (1996) PMID: 8862817 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
1). PMID: 8566785 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
Posters: |
8). Ye, S.; Huber, T., Sakmar, T.P. Fluorescent Labeling of GPCRs by the Site Specific Incorporation of Keto and Azido Amino Acids. Biophysical Society Meeting, Boston, US, March, 2009. |
7). Ye, S.; Huber, T., Sakmar, T.P. Site-Specific Labeling of Heptahelical Receptors Containing Keto and Azido Amino Acids. Keystone symposia, Cambridge, UK, September, 2008. |
6). Ye, S.; Huber, T., Sakmar, T.P. Fluorescent Labeling of GPCRs by the Site Specific Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids. Rockefeller University Postdoctoral Retreat, New York, September 2007 and 2008. |
5). Ye, S.; Strzalka, J.W., Discher, B.M.; Noy, D., Moser, C.C.; Dutton, P.L., Blasie, J.K. Design and characterization of artificial integral membrane proteins for vectorial electron transfer across soft interfaces. 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, September, 2004. |
4). Ye, S.; Strzalka, J.W., Churbanova, I.Y., Johansson, J.S., Blasie, J.K. Model Membrane Protein for Binding Volatile Anesthetics. 48th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, February, 2004. |
3). Ye, S.; Discher, B.M., Strzalka, J.W., Moser, C.C., Dutton, P.L., Blasie, J.K. Design and physical characterization of vectorially oriented minimal electron-transfer protein monolayer at the air/water interface. ACS National Meeting, New York, September, 2003. |
2). Ye, S.; Discher, B.M., Strzalka, J.W., Moser, C.C., Dutton, P.L., Ocko, B.M., Blasie, J.K. Design and Physical Characterization of Vectorially Oriented Heme-Binding Peptide Monolayer. 36th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of ACS, Princeton, June, 2003. |