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Fahmy, K., Siebert, F. & Sakmar, T. P.
Molecular Determinants of the Active Conformation of Rhodopsin Studied by Attenuated Total Reflectance FTIR Difference Spectroscopy.
in Sixth European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (Merlin, J. C., Turrell, S. & Huvenne, J. P., eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 171–172 (1995).
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Unson, C. G., Cypess, A. M., Kim, H. N., Carruthers, C. J. L., Goldsmith, P. K., Merrifield, R. B. & Sakmar, T. P.
Characterization of Deletion and Truncation Mutants of the Rat Glucagon Receptor: Seven Transmembrane Segments Are Necessary for Receptor Transport to the Plasma Membrane and Glucagon Binding.
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Garcia, P. D., Onrust, R., Bell, S. M., Sakmar, T. P. & Bourne, H. R.
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Fahmy, K., Siebert, F. & Sakmar, T. P.
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Ernst, O., Hofmann, K. P. & Sakmar, T. P.
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A Mutant Rhodopsin Photoproduct with a Protonated Schiff Base Displays an Active-state Conformation: a Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Study.
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Synthesis and Expression of a Gene for the Rat Glucagon Receptor. Replacement of an Aspartic Acid in the Extracellular Domain Prevents Glucagon Binding.
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Jäger, F., Fahmy, K., Sakmar, T. P. & Siebert, F.
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Arnis, S., Fahmy, K., Hofmann, K. P. & Sakmar, T. P.
A Conserved Carboxylic Acid Group Mediates Light-Dependent Proton Uptake and Signaling by Rhodopsin.
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Molecular Changes of the Membrane-Embedded Car-boxyl Group Glu-122 of Bovine Rhodopsin During the Transition to the Active State Metar-hodopsin II: An Investigation of the Glu-122 to Asp Mutant Using FT-IR Difference Spectros-copy.
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Fahmy, K., Jäger, F., Beck, M., Zyvaga, T. A., Sakmar, T. P. & Siebert, F.
Protonation States of Membrane-Embedded Carboxylic Acid Groups in Rhodopsin and Metarhodopsin II: A Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Study of Site-Directed Mutants.
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Regulation of the Rhodopsin-Transducin Interaction by a Highly Conserved Carboxylic Acid Group.
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Min, K. C., Zyvaga, T. A., Cypess, A. M. & Sakmar, T. P.
Characterization of Mutant Rhodopsins Responsible for Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa. Mutations on the Cytoplasmic Surface Affect Transducin Activation.
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Sakmar, T. P., Fahmy, K., Chan, T. & Lee, M.
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Cambridge: |
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Franke, R. R., Sakmar, T. P., Graham, R. M. & Khorana, H. G.
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Sakmar, T. P., Franke, R. R. & Khorana, H. G.
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